New Microsoft tool could let employers track productivity of employees

Victoria Pelletier, Expert on Diversity and Inclusion, Bestselling Author, Speaker & Corporate Executive on News Radio 1040 WHO broadcasting in Des Moines, Iowa

By the time Victoria was 24 years old, she was COO of a multinational corporation. Now with 20+ years in corporate leadership, Victoria has held senior roles in several large corporations.

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She’s a wife, mom, an corporate executive whose message is that we CAN have it all, as long as we live a life of #NoExcuses. Victoria proves that it IS possible to have a life in which women CAN succeed as a mom, as a corporate executive, and as a spouse.

Victoria’s messages have stemmed from her struggle, and success, in being accepted as a woman in the male dominated board room, and as a member of the LGBTQ community.

She’s the co-author of the bestselling book Unstoppable: Stories of Change Makers Who Dare To Make A Difference.

She can talk about the challenges facing working moms climbing the corporate ladder during a pandemic.