How many of you know the name Wang Weilin? As you scratch your heads, I’ll just jump in and tell you… Wang Weilin is the “Tank Man” associated with the…
Creating a Savvy Sales Culture I’ve rented a cottage for a relaxing summer retreat and often find myself drifting into work mode (part of why I don’t subscribe to work/life…
Remember Animal House? Togas, all-night frat parties, pledging rituals, Belushi and his “COLLEGE” sweat shirt? The cult classic lampooned the golden age of Western academia, a time when Higher Education…
Very excited to share with my network that on October 1, 2019, I will be publishing a book with several other amazing leaders and storytellers. The title and theme of…
If you’ve ever spent some time with adults from the American South, you’ll notice the “Yes ma’ams” and “Yes sirs.” Charming at first, the phenomenon can become quite annoying, if…
The Power of Incentives You may be too embarrassed to admit it, but you loved National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. The Griswold family Christmas tree, the kitty litter in the Christmas…
Building Culture Before Bottom Line Have you ever worked in a toxic setting? If you’re pondering the question, the answer is, “no.” If, on the other hand, your palms are…
Social Selling – A Whole New Toolkit Weren’t we cool? Be honest, how many of you carried a pager on your hip before the rise of the cellphone? (I’m old…
In a great scene from the sitcom “The Office,” Dunder Mifflin office manager Michael Scott haphazardly assures his employees that their in-house “backend” jobs are safe from the encroachment of…
NOUN. Something that deviates from what is standard, normal or expected. I imagine that most of you reading this have not heard of Mike Bellot… At least not yet. He’s…